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Department of Technological Product Design(B.Des.)
Tel: 886-4-23892088 ext.3841-3842
Fax: 886-4-23895293
E-Mail: ltu3842@mail.ltu.edu.tw

College of Design
Group: Architeccture and Design
International Admission:

*To follow our perspectives"Humanity","Technology","Internaitonal",and "Professional" to integrate industrial resources in Taichung Science and Technology District.
*Continuously to increase our facilities and awake to international design trend to educate students having the essential ability of product design, innovation and research, mechanical design, and project planning and organizing.
*Ideally to establish the postgraduate program of technological product design in 2008 and train professional in design to have the ability both in academic and practice.
*The institute will set three design centres-"Life Style and User Behaviour Research Centre","Universal Product Design Research Centre", and "Creativity and Innovation Design Developing Centre" and dedicate to integrate resources, from national/international industry, government and academia, to perform joint research projects.

Research Focus:

The course focuses on the design and development of "Consumer Product" such as PDA(personal digital assistant), mobile phone, white goods, computer peripheral products, digital camara or Gameboy. The departrment of technological product design is made up of three divisions: Product Concept Design, Human-Computer Interface Design, and Multimedia Design.
*Devision of Product Concept Design: To emphasize the whole product design processes from generating product concept to manufacturing process.
*Division of Human-Computer Interface Design: To emphasize the usability of designed products with end-users.
*Division of Multimedia Design: To emphasize the interactive design of product in creativity and visual communication.


Copyright Ling Tung University
1, Ling tung Rd., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel:886-4-2389-2088